Archiv der Kategorie: Linux

PHP Warning: mysql_connect(): Client does not support authentication protocol requested by server;

For some reasons we have very old hard and software here at work.
I had the problem that we’ve upgraded our database servers from MySQL 4.x to MySQL 5.x.

But there is a very old provisioning tool which does not support PHP5 and so we’re stuck with an old PHP4 and a new MySQL 5 Database.
If we try to connect to the database the following error occures:

PHP Warning:  mysql_connect(): Client does not support authentication protocol requested by server;

I know, the only correct way is to change our program to support PHP5, but there are no resources left for this change and this is not my decision.


Installing optware on your PogoPlug

Because I got a very good offer I’ve ordered a PogoPlug as cheap NAS.
PogoPlug comes with a very good preinstalled software and you can manage nearly everything by the feature rich web frontend.

But there are a few things I’ve realized too late.

  • The preinstalled software is closed source.
  • There’s no FTP, Samba or similar interface.
  • To enable multiuser support and password protected folders you have to pay a fee.
